Sunday, February 20, 2005

Welcome to a new face!

Last Saturday's meeting was a bit mixed with Dan unable to make it and I completely screwed over by the trains, but when I finally arrived it was to be greeted by Neil and Biker Andy both looking absolutely starving! They had ordered just before I arrived so I immediately went and ordered my number 3 breakfast.

Just as I sat down, we found ourselves approached by one of the ladies of the establishment asking if we knew anything about a Java Meetup. Standing behind her was Magnus, another FDM-er. He introduced himself and sat down; rapidly ordering his own breakfast.

The Boothby charm was working at full stretch because my breakfast arrived first!

We found out that Magnus was working with Dan at Directline, and we rapidly made him feel welcome. As usual the conversation was wide-ranging, though towards the end we degenerated into a morass of Mac-Java love when we discovered that in addition to Neil and my recent conversions, Magnus was a long term Mac-Fan. Neil updated us with all the gossip on Groovy and gave us an update on G. Andy told us how he was now at Channel 4 with Neil, and gave us a lowdown on the innards of their development shop. I spent my time wingeing about OptimalJ.

Hopefully next time Dan and t'other Andy will be able to join us, I'm also working on persuading a colleague at Siemens to join us.

Bob B.


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