Saturday, January 15, 2005

Looks like I'm the first to blog after the event...

Well, on a fine January day we had a fair old turn out, Neil, Biker Andy, Trainer Andy, Dan, Becky, James and myself.

We started off by ordering a breakfast apiece and drinks before settling down for a good old chinwag. First up was where we were working or about to work. I think that Biker Andy was the most chipper, with the news that he was about to move on from his current role.

Since it was a long break since the last one, we mostly shot the breeze and caught up. Neil talked a little about his Mac fetish and the Firefly fan club increased by two members (welcome to Dan and Becky!).

It was good to see everyone and I'm looking forward to the next meeting, hopefully pretty soon.


At 2:47 PM , Blogger Neil Ellis said...

Where's ya photos Bob?


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