Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Next Breakfast is on the 2nd of February

While I had a very pleasant meal at Cafe Motu's last time I was very, very lonely.

I've asked people's opinions whether we should kill the breakfast off, but no-one seems to want to yet. I've decided that I need to pull my socks up in terms of blogging the times and would also suggest that all participants subscribe to the RSS feed for the blog - just follow the 'Atom' link in the sidebar.

As is our recent habit we'll be in Cafe Motu for 1pm.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Tomorrow's a Tiffany's Day.

I hope to see a few faces tomorrow, I'll be outside Cafe Motu at 1pm as ever.

Time to talk up Christmas presents and talk about plans for next year.