Thursday, March 17, 2005

Next Meeting

Subject to confirmations: Saturday 2nd April.

See you all there.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Quiet meeting, good food.

After last minute cancellations from Neil and Dan and decent notice from Biker Andy, we had a slightly quieter meeting than normal. I brought Chris along, a colleague from Siements, having directed him by mobile from where he lives (two streets away!). Magnus and Trainer Andy appeared leaving only me knowing everyone!

Some rapid introductions later, Andy's girlfriend rolled up and we ordered food. In the end it turned out to be one of our less technical meetings. I held forth on how the Mac Mini might well be easily adapted to be an intelligent base unit for the iPod. Andy and Magnus told Chris a little about FDM and Chris talked a little about his development philosophy (and a little Smalltalk as I recall.).

We broke up having enjoyed a good feed and some good company.